April 2, 2009
The Colchester Housing Authority met on March 26, 2009 at Dublin Village for its regularly scheduled monthly business meeting which was rescheduled from March 19, 2009. The following members were present: Robert Gustafson, Executive Director, Janet LaBella, Chairperson, Marion Spaulding, Vice Chairperson and Secretary, Mary Tomasi, Treasurer, Gerri DeSanto, Tenant Commissioner and Todd Vachon. Deb Hartley, Resident Services Coordinator submitted her report in writing. John Malsbenden, Selectman and Liaison for the Town of Colchester is unable to attend due to previous commitments. Janet LaBella called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM.
Secretary minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Tomasi to accept February minutes as submitted, motion seconded by Gerri DeSanto and unanimously accepted.
A motion was made by Todd Vachon to accept the March Financial Report as submitted by the Executive Director the motion was seconded by Mary Tomasi and unanimously accepted.
PUBLIC COMMENTS – no one from the public attended the meeting.
ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA – there were no additions to the agenda
Ø On March 19, 2009 Rob received an email from DECD asking where was the final audit report?
Ø On March 19, 2009 Rob attended the monthly Conn NAHRO meeting of small Housing Authorities; CT Urban Legal Initiative law students were there and may help unify our leases and applications. A presentation was given by the “Landlord Law Firm”. Rob will be contacting them for any future evictions that need to be served.
Ø On March 20, 2009 Rob sent an email to DECD, after speaking with the auditor, that the information will be provided next week.
Ø On March 24, 2009 Rob attended the Colchester TRIAD meeting, in place of “get the scoop day” this year will be focused on SCAM Awareness in May.
Ø On March 25, 2009 the auditor brought the completed audit for 6/07 through 6/08 to the CHA. Rob promptly mailed three originals to DECD and one the CHFA. Rob stated that CHA does not owe any monies back for the RAP or RSC programs for the 2007 or 2008 years. The only audit finding was that the purchase of hot water heaters needs to be reclassed to fixed assets.
Rob reported that he closed the Citizens CD on March 11, 2009. On March 12, 2009 Rob paid American Alarm $64,086.60 which is 60% completion of the system installation. Rob will need to transfer money from the STIF Account to pay the balance due of $46, 115.60 that includes the extra work for the newer section call for aid system. On March 12, 2009 Rob received the RSC check in the amount of $8,298. On March 20, 2009 the Fire Marshal inspected the Dublin Village unit. The only problem was Apt 32 did not have enough space for proper egress through the unit. She was not at home so Rob left a notice to correct this issue. Rob commented that her daughter is back in the unit with her. Rob had a complaint of loud music on Monday, March 23, 2009 at 7:30 am. The resident
stated that her daughter has just arrived to help clean and turned the radio up. The next door neighbor reported that the daughter has been in residence there. On March 24, 2009 Rob received a very angry message left on the answering machine stating that the residents unit had been inspected without her knowledge. Rob immediately made copies of every notice that was in print form regarding the upcoming inspection date and delivered them to the resident. The resident stated that she would be moving as soon as she could. On Saturday, March 21, 2009 at 3:10 pm in unit 28 at Ponemah Village there was a stove fire. A plastic popcorn maker was left on the left rear burner. The resident went to cook something and turned on the wrong burner unit, then went in the other room. The fire alarm went off since the stove was in flames. A resident from upstairs came down with a fire extinguisher and shot the flames. The fire department
did arrive and vented the building, then checked to make sure everyone was ok. Rob removed the stove and began cleaning up. The stove is only two months old and Rob can replace the top, back splash, burners and pans. Rob ordered parts on Monday, March 23 which came to $122.75 and will be arriving in 5-7 days. The resident’s daughter helped with more clean up over the weekend. Rob re-painted kitchen walls and ceilings on Tuesday, March 24. In closing, Rob reported that the field next to Dublin Village burned on March 23, 2009.
Gerri reported that: One Dublin Village resident went to Marlborough Clinic and was treated and sent home; one Dublin Village resident is still in rehab; one Dublin Village resident is still at his daughter’s doing rehab from there; one Ponemah Village resident went to Marlborough Clinic and came home and one Ponemah Village resident is home from rehab.
The installation of the new alarm systems at Dublin Village is nearly complete.
Wish List Items:
Change 30 smoke detectors near the kitchens to heat buttons at Ponemah Village to reduce the number of calls while staying within the code limits – estimated cost $3,000.
March is re-election month here at Colchester Housing Authority, all current officers and directors graciously agreed to hold their posts for yet another full year of fun at Colchester Housing Authority. Marion Spaulding nominated Janet LaBella to guide and steer the ship for yet another year packed with activities (Ahoy Matie) and Janet LaBella nominated Marin Spaulding to co-chair the group in her absence, which we hope would never happen, and to also take the stimulating minutes of each adventure monthly. An individual motion was made by Marion Spaulding and seconded by Mary Tomasi to re-elect the following Commissioners: Janet LaBella – Chairwoman, Mary Tomasi – Treasurer, Marion Spaulding – Vice Chairwoman and Secretary and Gerri DeSanto as Tenant Commissioner. Everyone was
overjoyed and the moment was titillating.
(sorry I got tired and couldn’t be more creative).
In closing, there was discussion regarding the possibilities of filing documents to become a not-for-profit status (501-C(3)).
Mary Tomasi made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was seconded by Todd Vachon. The meeting was adjourned at 7:49 PM.
Respectfully yours,
Marion K. Spaulding
Marion K. Spaulding
CC: Janet LaBella, Chairperson
Rob Gustafson, Executive Director
John Malsbenden, Selectman
Town Clerk